5 Diabetes Symptoms and Reversal
Any person’s personality does not happen suddenly, a person’s development takes at least five years, and if one knows earlier that a person is going to be active, then a person will not face any problem in developing. Doesn’t happen. We will learn about some signs and symptoms due to which we may stop working.
Diabetes can be eliminated like polio, and this is possible because diabetes is not caused by insulin deficiency but by insulin resistance.
Insulin Resistance
In most cases, the cause of diabetes is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a process. In which there is sufficient amount of Insulin in our body but it is not able to transport the glucose present in our body to the cells, due to which glucose keeps circulating in our body in large quantities. Insulin acts as a carrier in our blood vessels, carrying glucose with it into the cells.
Crores of people in our India have diabetes, out of which 10% will be those who have Type-1 diabetes, their pancreas cannot produce insulin or produces less insulin, so their diabetes will not be reversed. Apart from this, there will be 10% people who have diabetes since a long time, And if the pancreas has become very weak over the years due to the side effects of medicines or due to some other reason and is not producing insulin in abundance, then it may be a bit difficult to reverse their diabetes, but 80% of the people will be such whose body Diabetes is caused by insulin resistance, and it can be reversed.
There will be crores of people in India who have insulin resistance in their body and can become diabetic in future, the lives of these people can be saved, they can be prevented from becoming diabetic with the help of knowledge & discipline, then we can take some such steps. And we try to see the systems so that we can find out from a distance whether they may have diabetes.
5 Diabetes Symptoms that are visible on the skin. This indicates that insulin resistance is developing in the body.
1. Dark black velvet-like skin will be visible on the back of the neck or darkness will be visible in the area around the eyes. This indicates that insulin resistance is developing in the body, this is called “Acanthosis nigricans” in medical terminology. When glucose and protein When they come together and stick together, they form Glycosidic Linkage due to which dark colored skin develops. If so, then it is an indication that insulin resistance is developing in the body.
2. There is dark skin around the neck and skin tags are also visible in which a little skin is protruding like a wart. This indicates that insulin resistance is very high. Apart from this, you may see reddish brown type spots on the legs below the knees, there may also be some swelling in the legs, and there may also be itching or there may be small wounds from which pus or water may ooze. If something is coming out, then it indicates that there is insulin resistance.
3. Angry when Hungry, Suppose it is time for lunch, it is time for someone to eat, he feels hungry and the food is late, if he is not getting food on time, then he will start feeling very angry, irritated and will not feel like doing any work, then this Indicate that insulin resistance has increased.
When there is insulin resistance, the level of insulin in the blood is slightly higher and when there is hunger, the sugar level in the blood starts decreasing, because more sugar gets put inside the cells and if this blood sugar level is low then hypoglycemia. When symptoms of hypoglycemia start developing, such as irritation and problems, thinking about food, not being able to do any work, getting angry, then we call this in English “Angry when Hungry”. . Which indicates that insulin resistance is developing.
4. Feeling very sleepy Suppose a man has eaten food and is driving to office in the morning and is feeling very sleepy on the way. So if you are feeling sleepy after eating food, it means that insulin resistance is developing.
5. Stomach is protruding like a balloon, Next symptom is that a person keeps thinking about food the whole day, if he has breakfast then what will he eat for lunch, if he has eaten lunch then what will he eat for dinner, which confectioner’s place has good samosas, whose fried pakoras are good etc. If all that news is kept then it indicates that insulin resistance is developing, and in insulin resistance the person has an addiction to carbohydrates and it is like the intoxication one gets from any drug like alcohol. So when we eat sugar, we get a feeling like ‘feel good after the difference’.
As the blood sugar level becomes high and they want to get that feeling of high due to intoxication again and again, then they repeatedly eat food whose glycemic index is high, and which has more carbohydrates, and When there is great pleasure in eating, it is an addiction to carbohydrates, and these people develop insulin resistance very easily because they eat carbohydrates repeatedly throughout the day, which they like.
Apart from this, we see some other symptoms that if the man’s body is seen from behind, it looks normal from behind, but the stomach is protruding like a balloon or like a football. This indicates that he has insulin resistance and This can be called insulin type of tummy.
If there is insulin resistance then the possibility of becoming diabetic is very high. So how can we confirm it? We can do this through any blood test. So what can be the blood test?
You have to do a fasting blood test with the help of a glucometer, to calculate the fasting blood sugar level, after that you have to eat food, eat some food and after two hours you have to check the blood sugar level again.
If someone feels sleepy after eating food, starts getting angry if he does not get food on time, and his insulin is above resistance then it is a very strong reason that the person may be diabetic, if anyone shows this to you. So you educate him and tell him that diabetes is reversible, and it can be stopped before it happens.
To reverse diabetes, exercise regularly especially muscle exercise and reduce carbohydrate intake, do Yoga with Pranayama then diabetes will reverse in a few months.
For this, please like and follow this page for what exercise to do and what food to eat: https://gadgetsdazzle.com/